Kimbolton Flock on winning form

Tenbury Agricultural show is our local show and we are strong supporters. So with a degree of nervousness we set off with four sheep to show and they did us proud.

Under the experienced eye of judge Frank Rushton our Shearling Ram was tapped out as overall Champion Texel, winning the Shropshire & Borders Texel Club Shield.

We also had a second place in the group of three and all of the sheep taken were in the top three of their individual classes against some strong competition.

Speaking after the show Paul commented “it is pleasing to see that naturally born sheep bred to perform in a lower input commercial environment can still perform in a show ring against very strong, embryo bred, show types. The sheep were taken from the field the day before and prepared and our march bred twin ewe lamb had not had any creep feed since weaning.”

A full list of sheep for sale this year is available to download from our for sale page.

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