Following submission of the eight week weights for the 2016 lambs we have now received the results of the first 2016 BLUP run.
Whilst it is important to point out that these are preliminary results (they are based on lambing weights and eight week weights – the scanning information will be added at 21 weeks which will increase the accuracy and value) they hopefully present a good initial picture of progress towards our breeding objectives.
A summary of the results shows that our 2016 lamb crop has an average terminal sire index of 435, an increase over the prior year (396) which pleasingly places the flock well inside the Top 1% (index of 379).
For the Ram lambs the Kimbolton flock itself bred six out of the top 20 lambs recorded so far this year (including the top Ram lamb PPK1600599) plus our genetics was also used by other breeders to great effect too meaning in total that 10 out of the top 20 Ram lambs (50%) contained our proven breeding.
For the Ewe lambs the Flock bred seven out of the top 20 itself with a further four being bred by others resulting in 55% of ewe lambs containing our breeding.
Sires producing these lambs included Kimbolton Warrior who was used as a junior stock ram (by Cambwell Trademark he now stands fifth on the senior sires list), Kimbolton Wayfarer (by Kimbolton Va Va Voom – half share sold for 1600gn), Kimbolton Va Va Voom (Sold to John Elliot for a significant undisclosed sum), Kimbolton Voyager, Wallington Vigilante plus Goldies Supreme and Kimbolton White Knight who sold to Duncan McNiven for 1,400gn.
The next milestone is to complete ultrasound scanning at 21 weeks of age plus CT Scanning which is booked in for 5th July. Once all of this information has been collected then a further BLUP run will provide a fully rounded view of each animal in time for their sale and use.
Feel free to make contact if you would like to discuss any aspect of performance recording or if you are looking for a ram to compliment your particular ewes.
